Instagram Vs Facebook. The Battle Continues

Like Jay-Z vs Kanye, EastEnders vs Corrie and Gemma Collins vs that awards stage, there are many rivalries that implode the social sphere everyday.

Instagram verses Facebook continues to be a hot topic amongst everyone. From social media marketers, to your mother who’s posted a few “keep calm and drink wine” statuses and thinks she’s a digital marketing guru. We all use them, so we all have an opinion on them – unfortunately. And although the two platforms are owned by the same company, they are often pitted against each other, debated over, and picked apart to disclose which is the better app to market your brand or use as a consumer.

Instagram introduced a new feature yesterday, where users can now follow hashtags and discover even more photos, videos and content outside of their followers. This new aspect is great for marketers as they can track how audiences are reacting to brands, investigate beyond their own social graphs and dive deeper into communities. This is a clever move from the social channel, resulting in powerful ad targeting and opportunities for brands to reach further industries and consumers. This feature’s algorithm will select the best images based on factors recency and quality.

Once users find a hashtag they like, they can open the hashtag page and tap the follow button. They’ll begin seeing top posts from that hashtag in their feed and some of the latest stories in their stories bar.

This feature is one that frenemy and global giant Facebook has yet to conquer, and perhaps won’t match up to. But for now Instagram, we’re impressed. (#puppies, #harrystyles…)
