The British Music Experience

The British Music Experience, the Museum dedicated to the history of popular music, in it’s new home at Liverpool’s Cunard Building.

The Brief

Generate creative and engaging coverage around The British Music Experience’s move from London to it’s new home in Liverpool, across national, regional and specialist tiles. To increase awareness of the museum and encourage visits from across the UK.

Our Response

We created a full media pack and targeted national print and broadcast, regional print and broadcast, music titles, in-flight titles and online – securing coverage in titles such BBC Breakfast, BBC North West Tonight, ITV Granada Reports, BBC 6 Music, Huffington Post, The Telegraph, BBC News Online.

A highlight of the campaign was The Telegraph and Metro visiting with three generations of family to experience how the exhibition had something to offer for visitors of all ages. This resulted in a full-page piece in both newspapers.

Capitalising on access to The British Music Experience chairman and legendary promoter Harvey Goldsmith, we secured prime time TV interview on BBC Breakfast. BBC North West Tonight and ITV Granada Reports also covered the museum in the run up to it’s grand opening.

On the launch night we secured national and regional press as guests, enjoying a performance from John Power and first access to the museums exciting exhibitions.

pieces of coverage
171 million
total reach

46 pieces of coverage were achieved over the 3-month campaign, including BBC Breakfast, BBC North West Tonight, ITV Granada Reports, BBC 6 Music, Huffington Post, The Telegraph, BBC News Online, Wizz In-Fight Magazine The Liverpool Echo and many more Liverpool based publications.