Vlog's a Job

Move over Zoella. Watch out Pixiwoo… there’s a new wave of wannabe vloggers just around the corner. A survey today revealed children are turning their backs on traditional careers in favour of internet fame.

The research which was undertaken by travel company First Choice and published in The Sun, found that three quarters of children said they would consider some sort of career in online videos. The biggest attractions being creativity, fame and the opportunity for self-expression.

In fact, almost a quarter of the six to 17-year-olds surveyed said the creativity of making cool videos was the biggest motivator. Once again showing how crucial video content is when it comes to reaching audiences online.


  1. Youtuber – 34.2%
  2. Blogger/Vlogger – 18.1%
  3. Musician/Singer – 16%
  4. Actor – 15.7%
  5. Film maker – 13.65
  6. Doctur/Nurse – 13.45
  7. TV Presenter – 12.45
  8. Athlete/Teacher – 11.9%
  9. Writer – 8.4%
  10. Lawyer – 6.4%

You can read the full article here https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/3617062/children-turn-backs-on-traditional-careers-in-favour-of-internet-fame-study-finds/